Row 1: Pop-Up Valentine, Knit Hearts, Burlap and Button Heart, Knit Heart Washcloths
Row 2: Sweetheart Mittens, Potted Hearts, Faux-Frosted Candleholders, Handmade Valentines
Row 3: Burlap Coffee Sle...
Feb 04, 2016
I like to do a little decorating for Valentine’s Day around my house. I don’t go over the top with it, mainly a few red touches here and there. Valentine’s Day is still mid-winter he...
Jan 27, 2015
I love having candles around my house, especially this time of year when it is still cold and dark. Lit candles (whether they be a real flame or a battery operated candle) can enhance the feeling or c...
Feb 04, 2014
I was inspired by a leather heart bookmark that I saw ages ago, and stored away in my elephant-like brain for the day I could try it. Today was the day.
Heart Bookmark
small ...
Jan 21, 2014
Oh my, it’s the last Iron Craft challenge of 2013 and it’s during one of the busiest times of year. Luckily, the challenge was to make something that could be done in an hour or less. You ...
Dec 31, 2013
Let’s wrap-up Valentine’s Day with one more collection of hearts and flowers projects from the Iron Crafters.
(click on any picture to see it bigger and read more)
Hope you are all fe...
Feb 14, 2013
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Lots more heart and flower filled projects from the Iron Crafters…
(click on any picture to see it bigger and read more)
If you are not reading this post in a feed reader or at http...
Feb 13, 2013
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It’s all about the hearts and flowers in this Iron Craft Challenge. The Crafters certainly know how to spread a little love around…
(click on any photo to see it bigger and read more)
Feb 12, 2013
I bought a bunch of glitter hearts at the dollar store a few weeks ago with the idea of turning them into a garland for Valentine’s Day. I wanted to add something other than hearts though. I had...
Feb 07, 2013
I was wandering around Target the other day and came across these felted heart wreaths and garland in their holiday section.
(Excuse the bad iPhone shot there, I was trying to get a shot quickly b...
Jan 31, 2013
We love to craft whether it’s knitting, quilting, cooking, or papercrafts and we love sharing those crafts with each other. Visit our About page to learn all about us.
If you are not reading this post in a feed reader or at then the site you are reading is illegally publishing copyrighted material. Contact us at justcraftyenough AT yahoo DOT COM. All patterns, text and photographs in this post are the original creations & property of the author unless otherwise noted. © 2007-2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish