
  • Mitten Garland Advent Calendar – Mitten #1

    Because doing Iron Craft and the Advent Calendar Project isn’t enough, I’ve decided to start knitting and designing a Mitten Garland Advent Calendar. I’m sure you have seen some of t...
    Jun 15, 2015 15 Comments

  • State Fair Mittens ’15 – Designing and Knittng

    Time for an update on my State Fair mittens. Last time, I looked at mittens that had won blue ribbons in the past and tried to find trends. What I came up with was the judges like Scandinavian design...
    Jun 03, 2015 12 Comments

  • Project: Blue Bell Knit Hat

    Here is the ultimate beginner knit hat. It was road tested by the lovely new knitters in Knit Club. Blue Bell Knit Hat Abbreviations: K2tog = knit two together K = knit Supplies: Hometown USA Lion Br...
    May 21, 2015 No Comments

  • 17 Projects for Summer

    This weekend is the unofficial first weekend of Summer here in the States, so we thought it was a perfect time to remind you of some of the great summery projects in our archives. 1. Leave the Sand a...
    May 20, 2015 No Comments

  • Project: Knit Fantasy Garden

    As promised, here is the tutorial and patterns for the fantasy garden I made for the Iron Craft “faux” challenge. This was such a fun project and I am thrilled by how it came out. I can s...
    May 14, 2015 3 Comments

  • Iron Craft ’15 Challenge #9 – Knit Fantasy Garden

    The theme of this challenge was faux and we were to make something the looked like something it isn’t. I had seen some interesting knit gardens at a shop in Madison recently and thought it might...
    May 12, 2015 6 Comments

  • Knitting Manners

    We started Knit Club at school. Off they went into the world, with their knitting. My heart was full. The next day (the VERY next day) they each came running back in to show me their knitting. It was...
    May 07, 2015 9 Comments

  • Kat’s Mittens Kits on Craftsy

    A little bit of shameless self promotion today…I’m sure most of you are familiar with the site Craftsy where you can share projects, take classes and buy craft supplies. Well, now you can ...
    Apr 23, 2015 2 Comments

  • Finish It or Frog It: Dawn Cardigan Part II

    Well, I made a decision about the Dawn Cardigan. You can see what it looked like and the issues I was having here. So, an episode of Wolf Hall later and this is what is left… Yup, I decided to ...
    Apr 22, 2015 No Comments

  • Introducing Knit Club!

    I launched a Knit Club at school. Holy Smokes! I tried offering knitting as an elective, but alas, Stitch Lab was so popular that the time slot could not be unseated for knitting. (Believe me, that i...
    Apr 21, 2015 4 Comments