
  • Weekend Cocktail: The Blood Moon

    This Sunday evening we’ll have a lunar eclipse which will give us a blood moon. This inspired my husband to create this weekend cocktail for us. The main flavoring and color in this cocktail c...
    Sep 26, 2015 No Comments

  • Weekend Cocktail: Cloister

    I love chartreuse, both green and yellow. It has a strong herbal flavor, but just a little bit of it adds so much to a drink. One of our local restaurants, Haute Dish, makes a drink called the Drunk M...
    Jun 27, 2015 2 Comments

  • Weekend Cocktail: Lady Dani

    This weekend is Midsommar and I wanted to make a cocktail that was perfect for warm weather and had a little Swedish flavor to it. Aquavit would have been the obvious choice, but I decided to work wit...
    Jun 20, 2015 2 Comments

  • Weekend Cocktail: French Lavender 75

    My husband Matt has decided that we are going to make cocktails at home once a week. This week we used some Tea Forté cocktail infusions we bought a while ago. I think you could use any herbal tea re...
    Jun 06, 2015 No Comments