• Starting Jan. 2nd

  • Antiqued Silver Eggs

  • Iron Craft ’14 Challenge 7 – Hello Sailor Handwarmers

    For this Iron Craft Challenge, we were asked to create something based on one of four big Spring crafting trends, floral, nautical, geometric and radiant orchid. I decided to go with the nautical tren...
    Apr 08, 2014 9 Comments

  • Project 365: March

    I made it through another month of my 365 photography project! This month we visited the American Swedish Institute, Matt surprised me with a weekend getaway at a posh cabin, my friends cat became an...
    Apr 04, 2014 1 Comment

  • Project: Cherry Tree Under Glass

    On Tuesday, I showed you how to make Paper Cherry Trees. Today, I’ll show you what I did with one of mine. I turned it into a Cherry Tree under glass. Kind of a snow globe without snow or a te...
    Apr 03, 2014 No Comments

  • A Study in Viko Baumritter

    I saw this beauty on Craigslist, and I ran it past my husband. (The picture from Craigslist is gone, but mine is exactly like this one.) It was in the house the next day. I have not been able to pin ...
    Apr 02, 2014 9 Comments

  • Project: Paper Cherry Trees

    I love it when all the flowering trees are in bloom in the spring. All the gorgeous shades of pink and white, like this amazing grove at the University of Minnesota Arboretum. We are about another mo...
    Apr 01, 2014 7 Comments

  • Goldie Blox and the Parade Float

    (In an effort to craft with my 5 year old daughter, and turn off the TV, we do a lot of projects. We are running a series of posts about the kits that we did in our house. I’ll tell you all abou...
    Mar 31, 2014 No Comments

  • Smørrebrød

    My husband and I recently found ourselves craving the wonderful, fresh smørrebrød we often ate for lunch while in Denmark. (We had some good ones in Sweden too.) Smørrebrød are open-faced sandwich...
    Mar 28, 2014 3 Comments

  • Project: Fairy Terrarium

    With a 5-year old in the house, it is no surprise that we are big Disney fans. As we ride the Frozen wave over here, there is a new Disney Fairies movie on the horizon: The Pirate Fairy is due out on...
    Mar 27, 2014 1 Comment

  • Iron Craft ’14 Challenge 6 Round Up

    For this latest challenge, we asked the Iron Crafters to create something using anything string-like such as thread, yarn, twine, etc… It felt like a relatively easy challenge yet sometimes it&#...
    Mar 26, 2014 No Comments

  • Iron Craft ’14 Challenge #7 – On Trend

    Recently, I was asked to create a project for Jo-Ann fabric and craft stores based on what they said were the four big trends in crafting for this spring. I thought it would be a great challenge for y...
    Mar 26, 2014 No Comments