• Starting Jan. 2nd

  • Antiqued Silver Eggs

  • Iron Craft ’15 Challenge #10 – E is for….

    Ok you guys, I loved what you did so much with the letter “D” that I was really excited to move on and see what you could do with “E”. I have elevated expectations that everyo...
    May 13, 2015 4 Comments

  • Iron Craft ’15 Challenge #9 – Knit Fantasy Garden

    The theme of this challenge was faux and we were to make something the looked like something it isn’t. I had seen some interesting knit gardens at a shop in Madison recently and thought it might...
    May 12, 2015 6 Comments

  • Mother’s Day

    In the Stitch Lab, we were busy making scarves for our Mothers. This is a great quick project option. It was really fun to watch the girls pick out fabric for a project for their mothers. It was inte...
    May 10, 2015 1 Comment

  • Project: Super Quick Scarf

    There are scarves everywhere these days. They are the new fun accessory. There are endless variations on the this theme, so we want to dissect some of the choices available. Flat Scarf: Supplies: 9-1...
    May 08, 2015 1 Comment

  • Knitting Manners

    We started Knit Club at school. Off they went into the world, with their knitting. My heart was full. The next day (the VERY next day) they each came running back in to show me their knitting. It was...
    May 07, 2015 9 Comments

  • Project: Cutwork Scarf

    In the land of very fast projects I offer the Cutwork Scarf Cutwork scarf Supplies: Approximately 1/3 of a yard of appropriate fabric. When you are at the cutting table, see how straight the cutting w...
    May 06, 2015 No Comments

  • Project 365 – April 2015

    This month some of the people in my photo group decided to take pictures based in a set of daily themes. I did pretty good with really only one day not meeting the theme (because I was at the Twins h...
    May 05, 2015 2 Comments

  • Recipe: Fresh Pea Soup

    We went out for dinner the other night and I had the fresh pea soup. It was heavenly, and I left vowing to make it. I didn’t need to invent the wheel here, I was happy to try a recipe from the ...
    Apr 30, 2015 2 Comments

  • Iron Craft ’15 Challenge #8 Round Up

    For this challenge we asked the Iron Crafters to make something for their homes. Spring is such a good time to add something new. Here’s all the great things they came up with. Click on the name...
    Apr 29, 2015 No Comments

  • Iron Craft ’15 Challenge #9 – Faux

    This week we want you to do a little crafting trickery and make something that looks like something it isn’t. I think this one should be fun! Here are a few ideas to get you thinking and there a...
    Apr 29, 2015 3 Comments