• Starting Jan. 2nd

  • Antiqued Silver Eggs

  • Mitten Garland Advent Calendar – Mitten 20

    Happy Monday! Here is your Advent Calendar Mitten 20 Chart. (This chart was updated at 5pm CST on 10/26/15 to fix a mistake in the stripes on the thumb.) For this mitten, I designed an eight-pointed ...
    Oct 26, 2015 2 Comments

  • Advent Calendar Project ’15 – Week 19

    Every Friday for the twenty-four weeks leading up to December 1st, we will be making a handmade Christmas ornament. Follow along and make them all or pick and chose your favorites. This week’s o...
    Oct 23, 2015 2 Comments

  • The Coziest Spot in the House (& a discount for you)

    We have had a spectacular fall here in Minnesota, but we know that those cold days of winter are not far away. I’m looking forward to snowy days in front of the fireplace with a novel and a hot ...
    Oct 22, 2015 3 Comments

  • 13 Halloween Costume Tutorials and Ideas

    Kristoff Frozen Princess Dress Bacon and Eggs Evil Queen in three parts, dress, cape, headpiece and crown Princess Towel Dress II DJ Lance Hat Little Bird Dorothy Word Girl Godzilla Mini Top Hat Prin...
    Oct 21, 2015 No Comments

  • Project: Tricked-Out Tote Bag

    This summer I was invited on a trip to Chicago with all of the women in my family. It was a wonderful way to reconnect with my cousins from around the country. Part of our invitation for this trip was...
    Oct 20, 2015 1 Comment

  • Mitten Garland Advent Calendar – Mitten 19

    A glorious fall Monday to you all! Here is this week’s mitten, Advent Calendar Mitten 19 Chart This is a great one for those of you who don’t like long floats. I found this one a really f...
    Oct 19, 2015 9 Comments

  • Advent Calendar Project ’15 – Week 18

    Every Friday for the twenty-four weeks leading up to December 1st, we will be making a handmade Christmas ornament. Follow along and make them all or pick and chose your favorites. This week we are ma...
    Oct 16, 2015 8 Comments

  • Project: Halloween Bunting

    I am ready for some Halloween Crafting. I found this GREAT Halloween fabric to use over the summer and I was bound and determined not to just let this transition from “inspiration” to ...
    Oct 15, 2015 1 Comment

  • Iron Craft ’15 Challenge #20 Round Up

    For this challenge the Iron Crafters were getting a start on Halloween. I have to say the Halloween projects are always some of my favorite of the year. Click on the name above any picture to read mor...
    Oct 14, 2015 No Comments

  • Iron Craft ’15 Challenge #21 – None More Black

    Let’s have a color challenge and since we are still in the heart of Halloween season let’s make that color Black. Create a project in which the main color is black. (It does not need to be...
    Oct 14, 2015 No Comments