• Starting Jan. 2nd

  • Antiqued Silver Eggs

  • Project: A Year of Pillows – State Pillow

    I am on a mission to make pillows this year. I see so many that I love around and in the shops. (And they are EXPENSIVE!) So I am going to take it on and sew a bunch. The first pillow in a Year Of Pil...
    Feb 23, 2016 No Comments

  • DAL Week 3: All Thumbs

    Ok, so now we have measure our hands and knit our gauge swatch. We’ve turned those number into the rows and stitches we need for our mittens and charted out our hands. This week we are going to ...
    Feb 22, 2016 2 Comments

  • Iron Craft ’16 Challenge #3 Round Up

    For this challenge we asked the Iron Crafters to use a skill, material or subject that starts with the letter G. I have to tell you, the Iron Crafters are so dedicated that one even had her baby girl ...
    Feb 18, 2016 No Comments

  • Iron Craft ’16 Challenge #4 – In the Kitchen

    So, I’m in the kitchen making pizza dough and doing dishes trying to think what the next challenge should be. Then it hit me, the challenge should be about the kitchen. Create a project that fi...
    Feb 17, 2016 4 Comments

  • Iron Craft ’16 Challenge #3 – Sweater Girls

    For this challenge our prompt was G is for…. Well, G is for girls, sweater girls! When I was in Iceland in December, my friend Lori found this artist, Heavenly Hosts, who carved these sweet litt...
    Feb 16, 2016 8 Comments

  • DAL Week 2: Charting Your Hand

    This week, we will be taking our numbers from last week and turn them into a custom template for our hand. Get out your worksheet and gauge swatch from last week and let’s get started. (There is...
    Feb 15, 2016 2 Comments

  • Inspiration: Vintage Pattern Art

    I had fun making a vintage pattern cork board. I had a little bit of a hard time working with the tissue paper, so I did some on-line research. I was BLOWN away by all the different project that peo...
    Feb 12, 2016 4 Comments

  • Rock Climbing Party and Gift Bags

    We hosted a Rock Climbing Birthday Party that was a whole lot of fun. I made the invitations by hand in this post. If you are in Northern California, we went to Studio Climbing. It’s in an old...
    Feb 10, 2016 2 Comments

  • Project: Rock Climbing Party Invitations

    My daughter spends a LOT of time thinking up what she would like to do for her birthday. Really a lot of time. Because her birthday is right after the holidays, we can’t afford to “wing it...
    Feb 09, 2016 1 Comment

  • DAL Week 1: It’s All About the Numbers

    Welcome to our little experiment, a Design Along to create your own custom fit, color work mittens. Let’s get started! The work you do this week is the most important step towards designing pe...
    Feb 08, 2016 4 Comments