• Starting Jan. 2nd

  • Antiqued Silver Eggs

  • 50’s Theme Ice Skater

    My daughter made the leap from “casual skater” to synchro-team and competitive events. Thanks to our lovely gentle coach, the transition was perfect for our family and our skater. When i...
    May 18, 2016 3 Comments

  • 12 Days of Christmas Mitten Garland KAL

    I had so much fun hosting last year’s Mitten Garland Advent Calendar KAL, I couldn’t resist coming up with a new mini mitten knit along for this Christmas. This year will will be making tw...
    May 16, 2016 366 Comments

  • Iron Craft ’16 Challenge #9 Round Up

    For this challenge we asked the Iron Crafters to create something that could be used as storage. Lots of inspiring projects here and ideas for getting organized. Click on the name above any project to...
    May 12, 2016 No Comments

  • Iron Craft ’16 Challenge #10 – Summertime

    The weather might not seem like it here in Minnesota, but summer is right around the corner. Let’s get a jump on it and create a project for summer. Your project can be summer themed or somethin...
    May 11, 2016 9 Comments

  • Iron Craft ’16 Challenge #9 -Drawstring Project Bag

    For this Iron Craft challenge we were asked to make something that could be used for storage. Last year, one of the lovely ladies doing my Mitten Garland Advent Calendar KAL made me this sweet project...
    May 10, 2016 2 Comments

  • Road to the State Fair ’16 Progress

    I have finished the hand for the first mitten! Imagine them after a good blocking please. I needed to restart it once because the picot hem was too wide the first time, but a few stitches down sorted...
    May 04, 2016 6 Comments

  • Steps for Success with a Sewing Pattern

    I have been teaching sewing at the middle school. I feel like every lesson they learn is a valid adult lesson too. So I will try to share some of those lessons here too. In order to be successful wit...
    May 03, 2016 4 Comments

  • Sneak Peek

    We’ll be starting a new Christmas Knit Along in June and I wanted to give you just a little sneak peek. More details later this month… If you are not reading this post in a feed reader or...
    May 02, 2016 4 Comments

  • Iron Craft ’16 Challenge #8 Round Up

    For this challenge we asked the Iron Crafters to do something unexpected. That could come from the materials they used, the method or the theme of their project. It was really fun to see the way every...
    Apr 28, 2016 No Comments

  • Iron Craft ’16 Challenge #9 – Store It

    After our last slightly tricky challenge, let’s do something a little easier this time around. Create something in which you can store other things. We all can use a little more storage in our l...
    Apr 27, 2016 1 Comment