• Starting Jan. 2nd

  • Antiqued Silver Eggs

  • Iron Craft Challenge #5 – Flower Pot Pincushions

    So a little confession here, often when I am posing an Iron Craft challenge I already have an inkling of what project I might do to meet it. This time with the dollar store challenge, I went in withou...
    Mar 13, 2012 7 Comments

  • Love On The Rocks – A Serger Update

    Recently, I got a new-to-me serger. Armed with lots of enthusiasm, and a solid working knowledge of sewing, and a dog eared manual, I got started. There were trials and trials, and more trials. I bro...
    Mar 12, 2012 5 Comments

  • Weekend Eye Candy

    Let’s Play! Super Mario Brothers Coin Block Lamp from Instructables. It lights up and makes noise! For the geeky baby a Luigi blanket and matching coin block pillow from Rapunzel’s Tower...
    Mar 10, 2012 No Comments

  • Chick’s Grumpasaurus

    One of the things I love about designing knitting patterns, especially those for toys, is seeing how other knitters adapt the pattern. This morning the perfect example of this was brought to my attent...
    Mar 09, 2012 No Comments

  • Project Project Runway Challenge #10 – Let’s Get Down To Business

    Designers, if you haven’t entered out discussion about the finale being judged, please let us know your two cents here on Flickr. We need to make a decision soon, so we can get the judge lined u...
    Mar 09, 2012 No Comments

  • Project Project Runway Challenge #9 Runway

    Quite an eye-catching runway this week as the designers were asked to design an avant garde outfit using lighting technology. It was quite a challenge on our smaller models,but everyone stood up to th...
    Mar 08, 2012 No Comments

  • PPR Challenge #9 – House of Cornish

    This week we were to find the intersection of fashion and technology  – using lights, black light, and electricity. The trick was, in barbie land, that is hard to do. Even the smallest lights ...
    Mar 08, 2012 No Comments

  • PPR Challenge #9 – Kat’s Design

    This week’s Project Project Runway challenge was particularly tricky with our doll-sized models. We were directed to use lighting technology to create an avant garde look to be shown on a runway...
    Mar 08, 2012 No Comments

  • Project – City Lights Lampshade

    I have this small nightstand-sized lamp that I’ve had for more years than I can remember. It’s not an expensive lamp, just something from Target. The lamp is still in good shape, but the s...
    Mar 07, 2012 48 Comments

  • Quilt of the Day: Map Quilts

    Today I am looking at map quilts. This playful design is by Gershamabob. She blogged and showed us more here. Debbie K made this rainbow North America Kris did this cool map of the places she has li...
    Mar 06, 2012 1 Comment