General FAQ
How can I contact you?
Leave a comment on the specific post you have a question on or email us a jcraftyenoughATgmailDOTcom
Iron Craft FAQ
What is Iron Craft?
Iron Craft is a series of bi-weekly creative challenges presented by Susi and Kat of Just Crafty Enough. Every other Wednesday a new challenge is announced. Projects resulting from each challenge are presented on Tuesday, two weeks later.
What are the rules?
The rules are simple. Each challenge should be done within the two weeks of its announcement. Pictures of finished projects should only be posted on the Tuesday posting date though, workroom pictures can be posted throughout the week.
Can anyone participate in Iron Craft?
Yes, we’d love to have more people join in!
How do I join?
The only thing you have to do to join is do each week’s challenge and then post your finished project in our Flickr group on the Tuesday posting date. If you have a blog send us an email (jcraftyenoughATgmailDOTcom) with your url so we can add you to the blogroll.
Do I have to have a blog to participate?
No, but if you want to be included in the round-up of each week’s projects you need to post your finished projects in our Flickr group on the Tuesday posting date. Flickr is free and really easy to use.
Do I have to do the challenge every week to be a member of Iron Craft?
We’d like people to try to do as many as possible if they are joining in, but we realize that everyone has a life and can’t do every project every week.
Project Project Runway FAQ
What is Project Project Runway?
Project Project Runway is an ode to the fashion design show we love so much. Each week we do the same challenge as the designers on the show, but our models are dolls. Each challenge is announced after the show airs on Thursday night, sometimes the challenge is slightly adapted to fix working with dolls. Designs are revealed the following Thursday.
What are the rules?
Designs should be made after the challenge is announced, no using doll clothing that you have made in the past. All clothing should be sewn by the designer and not purchased. Finished project should only be posted on reveal day, Thursday. Workroom photos can be posted before that day.
Can anyone participate in Project Project Runway?
Yes, the more the merrier. Just get yourself a fashion doll and start sewing.
How do I join?
Contact us at jcraftyenoughATgmailDOTcom and we’ll add you to the blogroll. Also join the Flickr group to add your pictures.
Do I have to have a blog to participate?
No, you don’t, but make sure to add your photos to Flickr so we can see them and add them to weekly wrap-ups.
Do I have to do every challenge to join?
We can’t force you to do every challenge, but as there are typically only 13 challenges for Project Project Runway we ask you do to as many as possible. If you miss a week you are welcome to make it up in the following weeks, so you have a complete collection.
Where can I ask more questions?