Projects category

  • Iron Craft ’15 Challege 6 : Glass Pendant Necklace

    For this challenge we were supposed to make something that was a treat for ourselves. I think indulging in another piece of jewelry counts as a treat. This project was totally foreign to me, but I rea...
    Apr 01, 2015 1 Comment

  • Iron Craft ’15 Challenge #6 – Cashmere Slipper Socks

    For this Iron Craft challenge, we were told to take a lesson from Donna and Tom on Parks and Rec and “treat yo self.” This was the challenge to make something special just for me. I was go...
    Mar 31, 2015 7 Comments

  • Project: Simple Spring Wreath

    We may still have some snow on the ground here in Minnesota, but I am thinking and decorating for spring. It was time to take the winter wreath down from the door and replace it with something a littl...
    Mar 25, 2015 4 Comments

  • Iron Craft ’15 Challenge #5 – Nail Polish Shamrock Pin

    For this Iron Craft challenge we were to make something that was either the color green or green in that it used recycled supplies. I went very traditionally St. Patrick’s Day green. Lately on P...
    Mar 17, 2015 6 Comments

  • Project: Black & White & Red All Over Mittens

    I never know what is going to inspire my next knitting pattern. For this one it was a color palette. I wanted to do a smaller all over pattern in black and white. When I started drawing it out I reali...
    Mar 10, 2015 8 Comments

  • Iron Craft ’15 Challenge #4 – Burlap Bunny Ear Napkin Rings

    For this Iron Craft challenge we are dreaming of spring. I didn’t plan on doing an Easter project, but I was inspired to make some cute little napkin rings for Easter. These napkin rings were r...
    Mar 03, 2015 5 Comments

  • Project: Striped Linen Stitch Cowl

    I am kind of addicted to the linen stitch done in different colors right now. The stitch itself makes a beautiful flat fabric that looks like it has been woven. When worked in different colors every r...
    Feb 24, 2015 12 Comments

  • Project: Bulky Arm Knit Cowl

    As a knitter/crafter do you sometimes get calls from friends and relatives that go like this? “Hello.” “Hi, can you make me…..?” I certainly do. The latest was from my si...
    Feb 10, 2015 No Comments

  • Project: Austria Mittens

    I finished my Austria Mittens just in time for the end of NaKniMitMo2015!I call these my Austria Mittens, because I bought the beautiful hand painted yarn (Wollgarnspinnerei Ferner Lace handgefärbt) ...
    Jan 28, 2015 13 Comments

  • Project: Recycled Sweater Hearts

    I like to do a little decorating for Valentine’s Day around my house. I don’t go over the top with it, mainly a few red touches here and there. Valentine’s Day is still mid-winter he...
    Jan 27, 2015 7 Comments