In the honor of the first snow of the season, the Iron Crafters were asked to make something using the color white. I had to think about this one a bit before I decided I wanted to make something with...
Nov 19, 2013
Even though we still don’t have most of the furniture in our new loft, (It’s being delivered next week yea!) I still decorated the mantel for Halloween. I made a few new things, the snake ...
Oct 30, 2013
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At the new house, there are a number of random buildings, sheds AND A CHICKEN COOP out in the back of the property. One of the main reasons we purchased the house was the HUGE lot it sits on. Now it i...
Oct 29, 2013
We moved!
We are now in our yellow, 1950’s ranch-style house (with a funky upstairs addition. Does a two story still count as a ranch? You get the idea).
And, drum roll please, there is a a hu...
Oct 24, 2013
When you are moving, it seems like the “in between time” stretches out to the horizon. To pass the time, I mentally move in and decorate. ( And, mentally win the lottery. ) I plan out ro...
Sep 09, 2013
I have been looking at ideas for a girl’s bedroom.
I am thinking white. I would like “sweet” and “old fashion”.
This picture is all styled and brought to us by Pottery B...
Aug 26, 2013
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Recently we had the occasion to visit our school friend’s house for the first time, and WHOA. We were blown away.
(I was not prepared for what I walked into from a photographic standpoint. So I ...
Aug 21, 2013
The little section of neighborhood we are moving into is called Fruitdale. Our house is a 1950’s era Ranch Style home. I think that one reason we were able to get the home is that people cannot ...
Aug 14, 2013
For this Iron Craft challenge we were to make something using something vintage or inspired by something vintage or retro. I had grand ideas, but instead spent my week packing, cleaning and moving. Ev...
Aug 13, 2013
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Just one more week and we move into our new loft! We’ve been spending most of the time packing up the old house, but plans are starting to take shape for the new space as well. Our loft has two ...
Aug 07, 2013
We love to craft whether it’s knitting, quilting, cooking, or papercrafts and we love sharing those crafts with each other. Visit our About page to learn all about us.
If you are not reading this post in a feed reader or at then the site you are reading is illegally publishing copyrighted material. Contact us at justcraftyenough AT yahoo DOT COM. All patterns, text and photographs in this post are the original creations & property of the author unless otherwise noted. © 2007-2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish