Iron Craft category

  • Iron Craft Challenge #7 – Headboard Slipcover

    For this Iron Craft challenge we are freshening up something in our home for spring… When Matt and I moved into our house we had a hard time finding a bed with a headboard that would fit beneath...
    Apr 10, 2012 No Comments

  • Iron Craft Peeps Contest Winner

    Everyone did such wonderful work for the Peeps Challenge this year. I know picking a winner was really hard and at the end it was neck and neck between a couple of the entries. But only one Iron Craft...
    Apr 02, 2012 2 Comments

  • More Peeps Fun

    I didn’t get a chance to put together a weekend eye candy for you this week, but since we featured peeps projects all week, it seemed only right to end the week with one more. I give you the Pee...
    Mar 31, 2012 No Comments

  • Iron Craft Challenge #6 Round Up 2

    A few more Peeps project from the Iron Crafters (click on any picture to see it larger or read more) If you are not reading this post in a feed reader or at then the si...
    Mar 29, 2012 No Comments

  • Iron Craft Challenge #7 – Freshen Up

    Spring is in the air here in the midwest (sure we could still get snow until May, but humor us). It seems like everywhere I go people are picking up things to freshen up their homes after a dull, grey...
    Mar 28, 2012 No Comments

  • Iron Craft Challenge #6 Round Up

    This week Iron Craft is all about those sugary, sweet Peeps. Boy, did the iron crafters have fun with this one. Don’t forget, this challenge is a contest and entries are due by Thursday, March 2...
    Mar 27, 2012 1 Comment

  • Iron Craft Challenge #6 – Peeps Pillows and a Giveaway

    It’s that time of year, Peeps time, so the iron crafters were challenged to create a Peeps themed project. I originally planned to do a diorama, but then the idea of some bright, high-impact pil...
    Mar 27, 2012 26 Comments

  • Iron Craft Challenge #6 – Peeps!

    When we asked people what challenges from last year they would like to see again the Peeps challenge was the #1 response. So by popular demand here it is…. Create something using Peeps, that loo...
    Mar 14, 2012 10 Comments

  • Iron Craft Challenge #5 Round Up

    We all know that the Iron Crafters are fabulous at making things, but can they be thrifty and creative? For this challenge we sent them to the dollar store to see what they could dream up. (click on a...
    Mar 13, 2012 2 Comments

  • Iron Craft Challenge #5 – Flower Pot Pincushions

    So a little confession here, often when I am posing an Iron Craft challenge I already have an inkling of what project I might do to meet it. This time with the dollar store challenge, I went in withou...
    Mar 13, 2012 7 Comments