All posts from Susi

  • PPR Challenge #5 – House of Cornish

    Before we look at the outfit, lets look at what I was working with. Seriously, have you ever sewn a knock off Sham Wow! ? No. And there is a reason for that too. “Let’s Start The Show! &#... Aug 22, 2013 - 2 Comments

  • Wall Paper of Whitney

    Recently we had the occasion to visit our school friend’s house for the first time, and WHOA. We were blown away. (I was not prepared for what I walked into from a photographic standpoint. So I ... Aug 21, 2013 - 2 Comments

  • Fixing Pooh Bear

    Pooh Bear is the highest ranking official in her life. He is a comfort to her. (Nov 9 2011) And to say he is “well loved” is not even the beginning. When she was small, her God Mother br... Aug 20, 2013 - 6 Comments

  • PPR Challenge 4: House of Cornish

    This week’s challenge was to use a bow tie somewhere in your garment. I went to Community Thrift, and did not find a bow tie, but I did find this beauty! Look at the pinks! Delicious. And here... Aug 15, 2013 - 4 Comments

  • Wallpaper of Fruitdale

    The little section of neighborhood we are moving into is called Fruitdale. Our house is a 1950’s era Ranch Style home. I think that one reason we were able to get the home is that people cannot ... Aug 14, 2013 - 3 Comments

  • PPR Challenge #3: House of Cornish

    This was the “yoplait yogurt” “Coney Island” challenge. Otherwise known as “stuffed animals, beach balls, and sombreros”. I  would have loved to use a hat, but I c... Aug 08, 2013 - 2 Comments

  • Quilt of the Day: Trees, At the Sonoma County Fair

    Recently, we went to the Sonoma County Fair. We had a great time. My Mother and I took turns distracting the kids, so we could run off to the Quilt and Home arts exhibit hall. That is where I found th... Aug 05, 2013 - 2 Comments

  • PPR Challenge #2 House of Cornish

    (Tim is URGENT. He needs me to to get down to the runway. ) And here comes the dress! This lovely chiffon has some cut work in it. When she walks, there is movement, and there is a tasteful slit in ... Aug 01, 2013 - 2 Comments

  • Moving: the San Francisco Experience

    Drum roll please. We are moving. Kathy is moving too – and we have been comparing notes. There are so many differences, that maybe we should talk about what goes into selling in the “wild... Jul 29, 2013 - 6 Comments

  • PPR Challenge 1 – House of Cornish

    Here we GO! Up up and away. I went and looked for parachute fabric and did not hit the glorious colors that our designers were faced with in the fields! They had translucent pinks, tangerine, cotton c... Jul 25, 2013 - 3 Comments