All posts from Kat

  • Iron Craft ’14 Challenge #10 – B is for…

    For this challenge we are going to continue with the alphabet game. This time we want you to create a project based on the letter B… Use a supply that starts with B like bias tape or beads. Mak... May 07, 2014 - 1 Comment

  • Iron Craft ’14 Challenge #9 – May Flowers Mittens

    For this Iron Craft challenge, we were asked to create something inspired by a piece of art. My inspiration was Andy Warhol’s Flowers. I knew I was pushing it, but I planned to make a pair of m... May 06, 2014 - 2 Comments

  • Project 365: April

    One third of the year done and I haven’t missed a day yet! (Oh no, I hope I didn’t just jinx myself.) So here’s April where we hopefully saw the last of the snow, took a trip to the... May 02, 2014 - No Comments

  • Hexagon Artwork In Progress

    Last week I mentioned that I want to create some artwork for my house based on the Tu pieces at Room & Board. Over the weekend I picked up the colors of felt I needed and started cutting hexagons... May 01, 2014 - 3 Comments

  • Let Talk About Flickr

    This post is for those of our readers who participate in our challenges, Iron Craft and Project Project Runway (hey, season 13 is coming…). As you know we use Flickr to host the groups for those... Apr 24, 2014 - No Comments

  • Projects in the Works

    The problem with running a craft blog is if you are doing bigger projects without any small projects in between, you don’t always have much to share. It just reminds me I need to show you guys m... Apr 24, 2014 - 6 Comments

  • Iron Craft ’14 Challenge #8 Round Up

    For this challenge the Iron Crafters celebrated spring with lots of cheerful projects. It was fun to see all the kids get involved this time around too. Creatief NY Star Cards Play Sculpt Live Ad... Apr 23, 2014 - No Comments

  • Iron Craft ’14 Challenge #9 – Inspired by Art

    Challenge #9 is one we have done in the past for Project Project Runway, but I don’t think we have ever done it for Iron Craft. This week we want you to find your inspiration in a piece of art. ... Apr 23, 2014 - 2 Comments

  • Iron Craft ’14 Challenge #8 – Individual Bunny Cakes

    This wasn’t the project I planned on making for the Spring challenge, but between traveling and holiday guests it was the only one that happened. My sister’s family came to our house for E... Apr 22, 2014 - 6 Comments

  • Passing It On

    My eight-year old nephew has been asking and asking me to teach him to knit. Since he was visiting for Easter, I picked up some needles and yarn incase he asked again. Well, wouldn’t you know, &... Apr 21, 2014 - 6 Comments