All posts from Kat

  • Project: Yarn Ends Mittens

    If you have been following long at all, you know that I have been knitting a pair of mittens for the MN Knitters’ Guild Yarn Ends Challenge. The idea is to use up all those little scraps of left... Apr 19, 2016 - 8 Comments

  • Road to the State Fair 2016

    It is time for me to get working on my submissions for this year’s MN State Fair competitions. I decided to knit up the Pride and Prejudice Mittens that I designed for an Iron Craft challenge la... Apr 18, 2016 - 1 Comment

  • Iron Craft ’16 Challenge #7 Round Up

    For this challenge, the Iron Crafters were directed to use dots in their projects. Who doesn’t love a good polka dot?! Click on the name above any picture to read more. NY Star Cards Ros Tawny... Apr 14, 2016 - 1 Comment

  • Iron Craft ’16 Challenge #8 – Unexpected

    This week’s challenge might require a little thought. We would like you to create a project that contains something unexpected. Perhaps it’s a juxtaposition of two contrasting elements, li... Apr 13, 2016 - 5 Comments

  • Iron Craft ’16 Challenge #7 – Sharpie Painted Dishes

    For the current Iron Craft challenge, we were to incorporate dots into a project. I bought some Sharpie paint pens awhile back and have been wanting to use them to decorate some cheap porcelain. This ... Apr 12, 2016 - 7 Comments

  • Yarn Dominance: Now I See It

    Don’t you love it when you continue to learn and grow in your craft. I fully admit that I always have more I can learn about knitting. Yarn or color dominance was one of those things I’d ... Apr 07, 2016 - 6 Comments

  • Iron Craft ’16 Challenge #6 Round Up

    For this challenge we asked the Iron Crafters to create something inspired by a town the town they currently live in or have lived in in the past. It was interesting to hear about the history and diff... Mar 31, 2016 - No Comments

  • Iron Craft ’16 Challenge #7 – Dots!

    I love polka dots in clothing, home decor items, linens, whatever! They add a bit of fun to anything. I hope you like them too, because this week’s challenge is to make a project using dots. You... Mar 30, 2016 - 1 Comment

  • Iron Craft ’16 Challenge #6 – Tiny Knit Pig

    For this Iron Craft challenge we were to create something inspired by the town we lived in (or one we lived in the past). I currently live in Minneapolis, but when I first moved to the Twin Cities I l... Mar 29, 2016 - 4 Comments

  • Project: Custom Mitten Blockers

    Recently, I’ve been wishing for mitten blockers. Usually, I just put my mittens between towels to block them, but it really doesn’t shape them as forcefully as I’d like. There are bl... Mar 22, 2016 - 2 Comments