cleared out some stash

As promised I got rid of some of my stash at Chicks with Sticks last night. This lovely little pile no longer lives at my house. Seems I had a lot of odds & ends from projects where I bought too much yarn but still kept it. Also I has quite a few “bargins” that I had picked up at Stitches West & while in Canada….guess they aren’t really bargins is I don’t use them.

In other knitting news I have finished the sleeves on Ships Ahoy. The pattern called for knitting two stitches together the whole row before the cuff but I really thought that would give it a weird puffy look that I really didn’t want for a boys sweater so I just did it straight. I’m about half way through the collar so hopefully there will be a compeleted sweater by Monday & I can get it in the mail.

19 years ago by in Knitting , Needlecraft , Uncategorized | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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