decisions, decisions….

Leaf count – 25
Packages left to wrap – 2

OK, so I’m working on this leaf scarf for my sister. I have enough leaves with just three colors but I also have a ball of light green I was planning to use to add more green to it. Problem is I’m having a hard time deciding whether I like the light green with the other three colors or whether it just sticks out. Here are the two different combinations, one with the light green and one without…
Any thoughts? Preferences?

19 years ago by in Knitting , Uncategorized | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
10 Comments to decisions, decisions….
    • Roxanne
    • Hi Kat…I like the lighter green you’ve added in for the top photo…it helps with the transition from the darkest green to the lightest green you have. That’s my preference but they will both look really lovely…beautiful colours…I think of leaves when I see them!

    • Sue
    • Either way looks good – but I think that having just the three colors (without the additional light green) is my favorite! Sue

    • Dani
    • I like it both ways but I think I like it a tiny bit better with just the 3 colors might be because the picture colors are off but the Nashua looks really close to the lightest color…

    • Anonymous
    • kat, I am with Roxanne- I really like the additional color.
      That yarn looks yummy, is it similar to the Rowan Polar that has been discontinued???

    • kat
    • Its called Nashua creative focus chunky….I really really like it & it’s knitting up beautifully….I think i might be v. similair to polar.

    • Mz Mar
    • hmmm, I can’t decide which way I like better~~I guess I’d keep making them and and if I got tired of working the three colors I’d start on the light green!!
      Either way it will be lovely!!

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