i need a vacation

Yeah, I know I was off for a week but coming back is hard as you can tell by my lack of posting. Work is just crazy trying to get all the spring releases together.

My roommate, Maryann, went to Iceland earlier this fall & what did the sneaky girl do? She went to a yarn shop & bought me Icelandic Wool for Christmas…yummy.
I’m thinking of maybe a pair of mittens…funny today on Tribe in Knit & Purl someone posted about how great wool from Iceland was. Who knew?

I also got the body on my red robot all sewed up and stuffed. He just needs his arms sewed on but I think he’s pretty darn cute. Since I’m pretty far on Peggy’s armwarmers & Kemp’s hat I might try to start another toy this weekend. We are starting a the Toy Knit Along at Chicks with Sticks on Monday & I’d like to have done at least two patterns so I can help people out.

Who knows though seems like the social calendar is quickly filling back up after the holidays. Last night I went to see Brokeback Mountain with a couple of the girls. It was a really well done movie & Heath Ledger was great. Tomorrow, DB & I are hoping to go check out the new De Young Museum here in San Francisco, then its a little Sex & the City brunch with the girls Sunday at Maverick…

19 years ago by in Knitting , Needlecraft , Uncategorized | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
One Comment to i need a vacation
    • Erica
    • Kat, the Icelandic wool felts really well, too, if you’re into that. It’s pretty hairy, though. The regular Lopi (as opposed to the Lett Lopi) is nice & bulky, too, so you don’t need to double-strand it.

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