freezer paper

A couple people had questions about freezer paper after my last post. I think freezer paper was a paper originally used by butchers but crafters have discovered it. It is matte on one side & waxy on the other. The matte side can be printed on my your computer. The waxy side will adhere to fabric when you iron it on a dry (no steam) setting. The amazing thing is it leaves no waxy residue & peels off really easily. I found I had almost no bleeding when using it espeically when I did only one coat of fabric paint, it was also important to dab the paint on with a little sponge not a brush. I have also read that you can reuse your stencils about 6 times if you get them off in one piece.

This is the paper I bought online.
freezer paper sheets
I bought it because the sheets were the perfect size for running through the computer & I wouldn’t have to fight the curve of a roll of paper. I guess quilters use it, I bought this from the electric quilt company. It claims that is made for quilting & had better adhesion to fabric. I have also seen it in bigger safeway stores by the roll. Hope that helps!

Here’s some pictures of the first outfit I finished for the blond doll.
blond doll first outfit
The sweater is knit our of Nashua Julia. The frayed jeans are of course denim. I embroidered a pink flower on in so it would also match the pink plaid skirt she will have.
close up of embroidery on doll sweater
By the way this is my 200th post…yeah!

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
18 years ago by in Crafts , Knitting , Needlecraft , Sewing | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
8 Comments to freezer paper
    • mandy
    • i didn’t know that freezer paper came in sheets…i get rolls at the grocery store for lining soap molds but for stenciling it would be very convenient to send it through the printer. thanks for the tip.

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