Today Jenny, from A Mom and Two Things, and I were talking about what homemade Valentine Thing 2 could make for his whole class. Apparently, he has made them every year. So, this weekend’s etye candy is for him.
I’m personally pushing for these cute robot cards that use a mini candy bar as the body by Lisa Storms.
These little candy holders from Inchmark are made from matchboxes you can pick up at the grocery store.
I’ve seen these lollypop valentines all over the place, but these from Design Mom turned out particularly nice.
Have you seen or made any clever valentine’s day cards that would be good for a kid to make for his classmates?
© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
The robot’s got Thing 2’s approval. Now to get the stuff together to start the making.
The robots are definitely cute! And I like that it is a small amount of chocolate. Most of the kids I know don’t need any more sugar to be super energetic.