Cast Iron is a wonderful thing

for blocking that is. I never thought the curl would come out of this sweater but two days under the skillet & it is flat.
pink doll sweater
so now I don’t need to knit up a different pink sweater & this dolls woredrobe is complete.
blond doll & outfits
last night i started a test run on the embroidered day of the dead sull before i actually do it on a sweatshirt since its for a gift. gabbi gave me a book of embroidery stitches for christmas so now i’m trying all sorts of different ones on this project. I’ll try to post some works in progress pictures tomorrow.

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18 years ago by in Crafts , Knitting , Needlecraft , Sewing | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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