TNNA wrap up #1

Wow, what a crazy, amazing tiring 3 days TNNA (The National Needle Arts Convention) was! There is no way to cover it all in one post so I’ll just do a little at a time.
Sharing the convention with Mary Kay
Susi & I arrived to discover we were sharing the convention center with a Mary Kay Convention. Can you just imagine what this place was like?! Though it was easy to tell us apart since they all wore black suits & heels and we were all in beautiful handknit wear.
First thing Friday morning I took a class in cut felted flowers from Nicky Epstein.
#12 - Nicky Epstein's Felted Cut Flower Class
This is my rose & then I made this…
Nicky Epstein's Felted Cut Flower Class
Didn’t my Blue Manos make lovely flowers? Here’s the whole class with Nicky.
Nicky Epstein's Felted Cut Flower Class
We had such a good time in this class chatting & listening to Nicky’s stories.
Class was followed by a retailers lunch and lecture by the legendary Kaffe Fassett.
Kaffe Fassett Lecture
He gave an inspiring presentation on where he gets his inspirations for color & patterns. It made me want to leave right then & there to start tons of new projects.
Friday afternoon’s class was an online marketing class which made me realize how far ahead so many of us our with our blogs. Especially when many people didn’t even know what a blog was!
All this lead up to the Friday night event the Fashion Show which I’ll cover tomorrow.

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
18 years ago by in Knitting , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
4 Comments to TNNA wrap up #1
    • Erica
    • Oh, your flowers are so cute! Me, I’m just terrified of cutting my felted stuff. I’m petrified that it will unravel b/c it’s not felted enough.

      Love the flower in the hair, dear.

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