TNNA wrap up part two

Friday night was the big event at TNNA, the Yarn Group Fashion Show. Please excuse some of the blurry pictures as moving models are hard to photograph in the dark without a flash. Susi & I managed to pop into the hall a little early & save some seats right up front. The show featured 121 knit garments (ok, there was one knit lampshade & a few bags) & was produced by Vogue Knitting. There were some beautiful things, like my favorite here
TNNA Fashion Show
which was designed by Misti International. This coat was to die for & even more beautiful close up.
We also loved this boatneck sweater from Tahki Stacy Charles.
TNNA Fashion Show
But there was also a fair share of “You Knit Whats” in the show.
TNNA Fashion Show
Now this one is actually made of real fur.
TNNA Fashion Show
Like any good fashion show it ended with wedding gowns
TNNA Fashion Show

TNNA Fashion Show

TNNA Fashion Show
After the show we had the fun of running into Knitty Gritty’s Vickie Howell.
Susi, Vickie Howell, & I
Who was as nice as could be & we kept running into throughout the rest of the weekend.
If you’d like to see more of my fashion show pictures, they are here on Flickr.
Tomorrow my final wrap up of TNNA with two days in the MARKETPLACE.

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
18 years ago by in Knitting , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
5 Comments to TNNA wrap up part two
    • Michele
    • Thanks for sharing! I also, from your photos, loved the first long jacket… Very nice! Even wedding dress 121 has some beautiful details, but… OMG! 11, 94, & 119… Maybe in extreme moderation…

      LOL. What fun you must have had!

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