Stitch markers

stitch markers
Decided to try my hand at making stitch markers. I never have up until now because I have been gifted some beautiful handmade one by some of you out there. I’m making the kind that tell you what to do when you get to them which I’ll find especially helpful with SSK & K2tog since I tend to forget which I need on which side. Its taken me a little bit to get the trick of wrapping the wire but I seem to be going a little faster now. Its actually a little addicting….

(yes, I am still knitting the blanket, I got about 200 more yards knit last night)

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18 years ago by in Crafts , Knitting , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
11 Comments to Stitch markers
    • Morgan
    • I envy anyone that has the patience to make stitch markers. The whole wire wrap thing does my head in so I’ll happily admire yours. They’re great!!

    • Susan
    • Oh, that’s an ingenious idea! I suppose you could even find a way to make stitch markers for complicated cables, too, so you could put the pattern down and just knit.

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