Great Designers Think Alike*

This morning as I was mall walking at the Mall of America (don’t tease, it’s more fun than walking on a treadmill), I was stopped by a dress in the window of the Michael Kors store. Wow, did it look familiar. It reminded me so much of one of my finale dresses from the 2010 season of Project Project Runway.
Great minds think alike?
Ok, I know it isn’t exact with the neckline, but the shape and the skirt really got me. Not that it’s a super original, out there design, but still I got a good laugh. And you have to figure Michael would have given me high points on the runway for this one!

*You do realize my title is tongue-in-cheek and I don’t consider myself a great designer….

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13 years ago by in Challenges , Project Project Runway | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
7 Comments to Great Designers Think Alike*
    • Jenny K
    • Wow, they really do look similar. And you forgot to mention that the mall is not actually open when we are there so there is typically no real shopping going on.

    • Kat
    • Seanna – Well there are a lot less people before they open, mainly other mall walkers, so it’s a lot easier to get around. In Mn its nice because its warm & not icy.

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