Susi in the Workroom

I have been out of the country for SO long now, that I dove into the challenge with two feet, happy to be back to our projects and your company!

The first order of business was to watch the episode. Interesting. What do you think of the new host and judges? Do you think it will be more fair?

I have to say, I do miss Tim. What a gem.

I headed to the Mission neighborhood of San Francisco to hit a .99 cent store.
Giant Value Store.
What an adventure.
.99 cent store!!
The inventory is so random. I found myself attracted to things just because they were there, and in volume!
Inventory at the 99 cent store.
I chose a ‘spray’ of flowers, and a pink scarf.
Flowers and Scarf
The scarf is kind of a mauve/pink, and it is not an attractive color. But it has alternating stripes of sheer and ‘satin’ opaque, and that scale and combination may work.

Stay tuned to see if I can wrench these special items out of my daughter’s hands. She has yet to let go of them.

See you on the Runway!!

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