Iron Craft Challenge #52 Round Up

We’re saying goodbye to Iron Craft 2011 with plenty of bling…

(click on any picture to see it bigger and read more)

Iron Craft Challenge #52 - Icicle Bracelet Bling Ring
Ear bling to hair bling IC52
MirrorBling IMG_8357
IC#52 Glitter and Sparkle...

Don’t forget the first Iron Craft challenge for 2012 will be announced on Wednesday, January 4th. Get all the details here. Hope you’ll all join us for another year.

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
13 years ago by in Challenges , Iron Craft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
One Comment to Iron Craft Challenge #52 Round Up
    • NameCraft Noir
    • Well Guys, even though I dropped off the face of the Crafting Planet…(the whole getting married, moving and new job thing seriously sidetracked me!) I had a blast this year and I feel like every project was that much more worth doing knowing that you guys would be around to share the projects with so thank you for a productive year!

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