Weekend Eye Candy

The forecasters are predicting a particularly cold, snowy long winter for those of us in the Northern states. That means it’ll be a tough time for the birds, so why not make them a place to grab a meal.
 This bird feeder is sold on Veseys, but someone suggested on Pinterest making your own from a wire hanger and a slinky, brillant.
 I want to fill my trees with these heart shaped feeders from Alpha Mom.
This feeder from Rhythm of the Home is made from an orange peel, so it is biodegradable.

 Now here is your completely over the top feeder made with from an chandelier, crystals and all! It was made by Craftser user fakebakedpotato.

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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  1. Pingback: oranges are not just for eating…… | art for housewives

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