Weekend Eye Candy

Just incase you are all wondering, here’s a few things you can make me for Christmas 😉
This button bowl by Iñigo Cañedo, seen on designboom, was made by carefully gluing buttons around a mold. I’m not sure how sturdy it would be, but I love the look.
 A boring office chair livened up with fun fabric like Finding Sunday did to this one.
Crafting Rebellion dressed up flameless candles by mod podging napkins to them. I so want these done with Marimekko napkins.
 I want hooks like this for when I have a cabin someday, but all in deer heads. Holly Made shows how to make it from cheap plastic animals.

Have you found any great projects online you’d like someone to make you for the holidays?

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
13 years ago by in Crafts | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
2 Comments to Weekend Eye Candy
    • Val
    • I’ve done that button bowl! I can teach you how in 5 easy (yet tedious) steps!

      Step one: Buy one of those big, hefty balloons – the extra-thick kind that you punch, you know? Step Two: Blow up the balloon and coat small sections at a time in Mod Podge (I found that it helps if you draw the edge of the bowl onto the balloon with sharpie to keep things neat). Step Three: place your buttons and allow to dry. Step Four: Apply at least 2 more coats of Mod Podge to the outside of the buttons, making sure that each layer dries completely between coats. And I mean *completely*. Step Five: Carefully puncture the balloon and let out all the air slowly, and peel it away from the buttons. Carefully. So very very carefully. And there you have it! Button bowl!

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