When pigs fly

when pigs fly I’m knitting up Christmas tree ornaments right now & I whipped this little guy up yesterday for myself (I have a thing for flying pigs, don’t ask me why).
when pigs fly He’s made from Knit Picks Elegance & some scrap white cotton I had around. Right now I’m working on what will probably be a rolly polly santa & trying to figure out how to knit a three dimensional fish.

Kept myself busy during this weekend’s snowstorm by making these Skully Handwarmers.
Skully Handwarmer The yarn is the same Knit Picks Elegance. The skull cable pattern in available on Hello Yarn. I just sort of figured out the rest of the pattern myself based on what I knew from knitting other handwarmers.

With all the snow in the forecast looks like I’ll have a lot of time for knitting.

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
17 years ago by in Knitting , Needlecraft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
9 Comments to When pigs fly
    • Anonymous
    • Hey Kat!
      The little pig you made is really cute. I would love to buy you one of these for my boyfriend. We have a long story with flying pigs. Do you actually sale them? I hope you do. Can you write me back? Here is my Email: wendyjacoby@hotmail.com. Thanks a lot, Wendy

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