Weekend Eye Candy

This week I’m looking at handmade supplies to help make more handmade things…

Oh, I think every crafter needs a hot glue gun holster for their craft space! This one from Barb’s Little Store has a ceramic tile to catch drips and a storage space for extra glue sticks. This would be a good project for my husband.

I always need more stitch markers and I love these button ones from Darned Lovely. I especially like how they use a clasp to attach them to the needle. I’d make myself a bunch with black buttons and then one pink one to mark start of row in circular knitting.

I’m also kind of in love with these Lego mini-fig head stitch markers from GrandmaJean2323 on Flickr , though I think I might get in trouble if I took a bunch of mini-fig heads to make them.

This framed thread holder from Grey Luster Girl is much more elegant than the holders I have in my craft room.

Have you made an innovative or cool crafting supplies for yourself?

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13 years ago by in Crafts | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
One Comment to Weekend Eye Candy
    • Jenny
    • My dad made my mom a hot glue gun holder like that years ago. And those stitch markers are super cool. Our next project.

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