Knitted Dinosaurs Giveaway

This contest is now closed.

We hope you’ve enjoyed Knitting Dinosaurs week here on Just Crafty Enough. Now is your chance to enter and win a copy of the book for yourself!

If you enjoy making knit toys you are going to love this book. Read our review of the book here and get a free download of the Stegosaurus pattern from it here.

The winner will be chosen by random drawing on Friday, November 18th and you can have up to four entries:

  • Leave a comment on this post telling us who you would make a dinosaur for.
  • Join our Stegosaurus knitting social and post of picture of  what yarn you are using and/or your knitting progress in our Flickr group. Leave us a comment here telling us you did
  • Get another entry by tweeting about this giveaway and  leaving us a comment here telling us you did. (Here’s some easy cut and paste text for you to use “Enter to win a copy of Knitted Dinosaurs from @craftyenough”)
  • Get another entry by liking the Just Crafty Enough facebook page and leaving us a comment here telling us you did.

Good Luck!

The small print:
This contest is only open to people in the US and Canada.
You must leave an email where we can contact you when you comment.
If the winner does not have get back to us within one week of being contacted, we will choose a second random winner.

*Disclaimer: We were given a copy of Knitted Dinosaurs to review and giveaway plus a free pattern from it to share by STC Craft/Melanie Falick Books. We were not compensated in any other way.

13 years ago by in Giveaways and Contests | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
30 Comments to Knitted Dinosaurs Giveaway
    • Tawny
    • I would make a dinosaur for my little boy! Or maybe my little girl who loves dinosaurs as well. Most likely, both so no dinotastic fights would ensue 😀

    • Jessica
    • I would love to make some of these for my little 3 year old – he loves dinosaurs. I also know some big kids who would love one of these 🙂

    • NameKristin
    • So, I’d have to start by making a dinosaur for my 9-yr old – he’s loved animals since he was 2 … Then I’d have to make one for my 7-yr old – she wants everything her brother has … Then I could finally make one for me 🙂

    • Amanda
    • I’d make a dinosaur for my good friend’s stepson. I’ve already checked to see if the SF public library has the book (not yet!) and it’d be awesome to win a copy. =)

    • Angela (Cottage Magpie)
    • My son is a HUGE fan of dinosaurs (and robots) and I would really love to make him a dinosaur for Christmas. Of course, though, he would want the T-Rex, so I just put the book on my Amazon list — but I’ll wait to see if I’m lucky enough to win before buying! Hee hee!


    • Lisa
    • I would knit a dinosaur for probably a lot of people! My boyfriend loves dinosaurs so he would be first. I have two little nephews who would each get a dinosaur for Christmas or their birthdays. And let’s be honest – I couldn’t very well not knit one or more for myself!

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