Stegosaurus Knitting Social – Let’s get started!

Tuesday we posted a free pattern for this Stegosaurus from Knitted Dinosaurs thanks to STC Craft/Melanie Falick Books.

Now, we want to invite you all to knit it along with us, a virtual knitting social. If you start now, you have plenty of time to whip one (or two or three) of these ferocious guys in time for holiday giving. Or perhaps you just want a dino buddy for yourself, that’s ok we won’t tell.

First thing we need to do it pick out our yarn. You can go realistic and make your stegosaurus in browns and greens or take him on a more whimsical path. I went for the second choice.
Stegosaurus Color Choices
I found this great denim-like blue in my stash for the body and a great orange for the spikes. The pattern calls for 100 grams of each color in DK weight. My yarn is DK weight, but I have slightly less than 100 grams of the blue, I hope I’ll have enough though.

Let’s take a little about yarn weight for this project. As I said, the pattern calls for a DK weight. That is what the sample is knit with and if you use the same weight yarn you should end up with a toy about the same size. But do you have to use DK weight? My answer is no. That is one of the joys of knitting toys, they don’t have to fit anyone. If you knit with a heavier weight yarn you will end up with a bigger dinosaur. If you use a smaller yarn, like a sock weight, you’ll end up with a smaller dinosaur. Keep in mind if you are using a different weight yarn your gauge will not be the same as that called for in the pattern. For toys, I always say to make sure your gauge gives you a tight weave so you won’t see the stuffing through it. Also keep in mind if you change the weight of your yarn that it will also change how many grams you need.

A few people have already said they are in for this knitting social, what about you? If so, make sure to join our flickr group and show us your color choices and progress as you go. We’ll be here to show you how we are doing and offer any tips as we go along. Feel free to leave any questions about the pattern as you knit it, either here or in the flickr group so we can help each other out.

Watch for your chance to win the whole Knitted Dinosaurs book tomorrow!

*Disclaimer: We were given a copy of Knitted Dinosaurs to review and giveaway. We were also given a download of one of the patterns from the book. We were not compensated in any other way.

If you are not reading this post in a feed reader or at then the site you are reading is illegally publishing copyrighted material. Contact us at justcraftyenough AT yahoo DOT COM. All patterns, text and photographs in this post are the original creations & property of the author unless otherwise noted.
© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
13 years ago by in Knitting , Knitting Socials , Needlecraft , Socials | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
2 Comments to Stegosaurus Knitting Social – Let’s get started!
    • Sea
    • when my middle child was young I made him a stegosaurus from fabric….pattern from a book…the spinal scales were a nightmare to sew. When “Stanley” was finished several people challenged me….”they weren’t paisley!” to which I replied..”unless you were have no idea!”
      Stanley also had a “moo box” inside him…so that when he was turned upside down..he mooed!
      I think Stanley is still around over 20 years later

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