Iron Craft Challenge #50 – Wrap it up

For this week’s challenge we are going to focus on the gift wrapping. Isn’t the look of the package and the anticipation of it at LEAST half the fun?
Do you go wild?
Do you have a theme (for instance, all one color)?
Let’s start with a little project from inside the Just Crafty Enough family: Kat’s Snow Flake Ornaments.
Iron Craft Challenge #31 - Snowflake Gift Ornaments
Just Crafty Enough
Here is an excellent crochet embellished package.
pretty package
From Bobbi Jean. (I think there is a recycled book page in there. I am a sucker for a well done upcycle.)

Some yarn on craft paper
Gift wrapping - using leftover yarn
From Little Treasure

Here is a house (not in the Christmas theme, but you can imagine this as a ginger bread house!)
gift wrap
By Kari Anne at Spagaten

Posting date is Wednesday, Dec 14th. Please tag photos with IC50 and IronCraft.

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Show us what you are doing. We cannot wait to see!!
© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
13 years ago by in Challenges , Christmas , Crafts , Holiday , Iron Craft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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