Iron Craft Challenge #49 For the Kids

The magic of the holidays is really held in the eyes of the children.  So this challenge will be something for the kids.

Here is a tutorial for a felt truck:

From Make it and Love it

Or this cardboard house
cardboard house
Made by Lullatone

Here is a great puppet theater
Puppet Theater
By Bend the Rules Sewing, on The Middle Brook Family Blog

Awesome Super Hero Fort Kit

By Meg + Andy

Of course what you do can be a little smaller in scope. But I just thought, “dream big”.

Have fun! I cannot wait to see what you do.

Posting date is Wednesday, Dec 7th. Please tag photos with IC49 and Iron Craft. Also don’t forget to answer our poll regarding Iron Craft 2012!

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish


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