I knit this Calvin Rib Turtleneck from Valley Yarns about two years ago. I’ve never worn it because I was really unhappy with how it fit where the neck met the body (other people had the same complaint). It’s been sitting in a knitting bag so today I decided to rip out the neck & try turning it into a cowl instead. It’s a little tricky because the sweater was knit top down so I was ripping from the cast on not the bind off.
The sweater as it was.
I’m also going to have to add more to the length, even though I added 3-inches its still too short!
© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
Oh man, I'm having to do the same sort of thing to a problem sweater I've been working on for my dad for the last 2 months. Sleeves were waaaay too long, so I'm having to shorten them from the cuff up, and the torso was too short, so I had to add on another 4 inches or so. Never using THAT pattern again.