Bloomin’ Happy Mittens KAL: Clue 1

Welcome to the first clue of the 2018 mitten KAL. This week we will be knitting the cuff of our mittens. The cuff on these mittens is worked in a ribbing with larger knit sections, this allows for the colorwork within the ribbing. You may get a little rolling at the cast-on edge at the knit sections, but I found it went completely away with blocking.

If you are using three colors, the colorwork on my mitten is where I used my third color, my CC2. The background color is the MC I used through the whole mitten.

Chose your own adventure: The cuff as written is about 2.25″ (5.72cm). Feel free to lengthen or shorten it as you like. You could also add a lot more color work to the cuff by starting the colorwork earlier and doing additional repeats of it. You could even switch them up so the repeats varied from CC1 and CC2.

Remember the size of the mittens refer to the approximate size of the mitten itself, not necessarily the size of the hand. Chose the size the gives you the amount of ease you want in your fit. Each size has its own pdf.

Update 1/5/18 5:20PM: Directions have been updated to add this line “Work the chart the same for the left right and left hands.” above the chart.

Download the Bloomin’ Happy Mittens 7″ Clue 1
Download the Bloomin’ Happy Mittens 7.5 “Clue 1
Download the Bloomin’ Happy Mittens 8″ clue 1

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© 2005 – 2018 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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