2017 In Review

It’s that time of year when everyone looks back at what’s happened over the last year. Well, who am I to buck a trend? Here’s a look back at Kat’s Crafty 2017.

January saw the end of a six-year run of Iron Craft Challenges. We could so any craft we wanted and I chose to etch some glasses.

Iron Craft ’16 Challenge 26

Of course, there was also the January mitten KAL. This year’s mittens were called Under the Sea. I entered them in the Minnesota State Fair and they took second place!

Under the Sea Mittens

I also finished the Alzada shawl to wear to the Yarnover dinner.

I closed out the month with a trip to Iceland where there was a little yarn purchased! Though it wasn’t all for me I promise.

Icelandic Yarny Goodness

In February, I started planning for a large yarnbombing project with the Minnesota Knitters’ Guild at the Minnesota State Fair. I wrote two fair themed patterns for it.

Prize Ribbons

Corn Dogs

Through March I worked on my mittens for the Minnesota Twins’ Opening Day.

Opening Day Mittens

In April I made the HB2 sweater with some of the yarn I bought in Iceland.

June and July were spent getting the Guild’s yarnbombing put together. This is our finished horse, Pronto.

I also had to whip up a 10′ x 6′ backdrop, which took me a week of pretty much nonstop knitting.

In October, my Santa Pillow was released in the Knit Picks book Merry Knitmas. It was my first time having a pattern published in a book!

I also finished the Ravello sweater for myself.

June through November, I hosted the Wee Winter Woolens KAL. It was so fun doing another holiday KAL with my Ravelry group.

In November I started the Spooner sweater. I just love the colorwork in the neck.

I also taught myself how to do stacked increases and decreases so I can start working on Fox Paws. What a challenge!

I turned some cute flannel sheets into Christmas pjs for my husband and I in December.

And I started another yarnbombing project. This time I am knitting a five foot tall cozy for a lamppost in St. Paul as part of Saint Paul Cozy.

Wow, looking at it all like this, I’m really quite proud of all I’ve finished this year! I’m looking forward to knitting off 2018 with a new mitten KAL, Bloomin’ Happy Mittens. Have a great holiday everyone!

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© 2005 – 2017 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
7 years ago by in Crafts , Knitting , Needlecraft , Sewing | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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