Birthday Number Two

Birthday festivies: Brought to you be a (still) sleep deprived Mommy.

While she is the most marvelous little thing on earth…
And, it goes without saying, “nothing is too good for her”… I really made an effort to try to keep a lid on it this year.
We cancelled the dove release, called off the bouncy castle, cancelled the Elephant Parade, and skipped the sky writers.
What is wrong with a homemade cake? Or a party at home? Can we make this special, without making it ridiculous? Can we stick to a budget without making it look cheap?
I was going to try.
I got it into my head that we were going to have “The Very Hungry Caterpiller” cup cake- cake.
AND I got it into my head that I would make some party favors. (Here again, in the world of favors, it is super easy to look on-line, and find lovely little age appropriate, wood, safe, beautiful toys. And before you know it, you could hire Curly the Clown for what you would spend to give out 10 of these little pieces. )
I decided to make little wash clothes, with the kiddie’s initials on them.
These Mommies that I have collected around me are a little slice of sanity in a CRAZY world. The provide comfort, recipes, helpful suggestions (only when asked), and endless encouragement. I wanted to make something that is a little nod to them. “life is messy. I think you are fabulous. Here is a little embroidered wash cloth for the bath, or meal time, to remind you that this mess is generated by your joyous beast. Thanks for all you do. ”

So, to review, homemade cake, and individualized party favors. Hmmm. Project manage much? Time line? Sleep?
I cut out the initials, and ironed them down onto the wash clothes. Then I zig zagged around the letters in contrasting colors.

I baked the cupcakes. Then I colored the frosting. This was the tricky part. I wanted them to have a watercolor effect. So I made the frosting green, and then at the end, as I was scooping it into the bag, I threw in some other color. Literally. I threw in blew and yellow, and did not sir. I was stretching for the Eric Carle/stain glass feel.
I laid the cupcakes out out on paper in their cover shot caterpillar form, and drew the feet and the antennae. Then I made the head out of a piece of cake that I cut to shape, and frosted separately.

All in all – I was really excited about it. And the kids LOVED it. The green was a little more intense than I would have imagined on their little faces.
But hey, that is all par for the course at a party, no? We have found little patches of green frosting around the house now. The coffee table had a little section that had dried. It was kind of charming.

And there you go. My baby turned two. Whew!
And immense gratitude. We are happy. We are healthy. And we dance.

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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