Mitten Garland Advent Calendar – Mitten 22

Hello all my mini mitten knitters! Here is your Advent Calendar Mitten 22 Chart. Warning some long floats ahead….
Mitten Garland Advent Calendar - Mitten 22
I really love this one, I think the center pattern looks like a bunch of acorns and pine sprigs. I did that pattern in two colors which means for six rows I had to work with three colors. I think after twenty-two mittens you are all good enough to tackle this. If you’d prefer not to do the whole center pattern in one color.
Mitten Garland Advent Calendar - Mitten 22
Almost to the end!

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9 years ago by in Christmas , Holiday , Knitting Projects , Needlecraft , Projects | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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