Iron Craft Challenge, Week 1

The first Challenge was posted to Iron Craft. It is a project that ‘brings in the light’.
The inauguration of the site has me all in knots. I was thinking about turning something into a lamp. But I have nightmares about the results.

And just when I thought I had gotten ahold of myself, and had a way to approach the project, Craft published us on their site. (Thanks Craft!) And the pressure from the Craft-Shout-Out dialed me up another notch.
I need to stop thinking “electrify a plane fuselage”
and shoot for “festive votive” instead.
* this picture is actually a back lit section of an airplane, done by Todd, at Telstar Logistics. Shown in much greater detail here. He could not be more clever!
Off I go!
“Realistic” is the word of the hour.
Please, come join us! “Let in the Light!”

14 years ago by in Challenges , Iron Craft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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