Sparkling light

The first week of Iron Craft brought me to a wall of anticipation. I set the bar so high for myself that I was ready to rewire the whole house. I had to dial it down a notch.
And then, in an 11th hour, I found the perfect thing at the Antiques Mall. (whew!)
(Let’s keep in mind that ‘finding’ anything at the Antiques mall with a toddler in tow is a feat! Everything that sparkles, looks like a dog, or has wheels needs to be touched and examined. And if I take my eyes off of her for even a minute, we could be walking out with much more than we bargained for. In pieces. “Antiques Collective” and “toddler proof” don’t really go together, do they? )

What caught my eye, was a clear, lucite, star-burst waste basket. Think old school, ‘powder room’ style. It is AWESOME.
lit lucite
I carefully washed it out, and got the lights in it, and started taking pictures.

IMG_3946 And I realized I had something else right here at home that I was going to use too.
I have a little collection of early lucite purses. It is probably related to the waste basket. They could be siblings! I got the lights into the purse, and I loved that too.
I submit these to you. I’m not sure this counts as ‘a craft’. It is certainly not a robust craft. Nothing was glued. Or stitched. But things were taken down, and dusted. The creative juices were flowing! Something new came into the house. Things were repurposed. And “light” was brought in.
And best of all (!!!) best of all, was my friend and I exchanged about 80 e-mails this week, about all manner of topic, glitter or not.
And you know what else? We are not alone in our love of the craft. Lots of people have clicked, commented, and signed up. There is even a Mother/Daughter/Cousin team doing the challenges. And I bet they exchanged loads of e-mails too.
Wooo Hoo. ! Bring it on. Come and join us. The water is warm!

And now, the pressure mounts again. What will I produce for MY first challenge?
Aaaah. Stay tuned!

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
14 years ago by in Challenges , Crafts , Iron Craft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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