Knebworth Selvedge and Vintage Fair

While visiting family in England, my husband found this “Vintage Fair” and we decided to go. They don’t have “flea markets” there, so we went with an open mind.
The scene was distinctly English, out in a field of thick grass, under a blue sky with puffy clouds, there were stalls set up a gracious distance from one another.
There were buckets and tubs and baskets enough to fill a whole freight container (that I was packing in my mind).
Are these lanterns? Aren’t they wonderful? I would like to take at least 6 thanks.
So many great enameled pitchers. There was a lot of really BIG stuff.
These urns are fantastic.
And these baskets. They look pretty normal in the picture, but let me show you the scale
There is one of the bigger ones in front of a “lorry” (a pretty big van, even by US standards). That basket was easily as big as a washing machine. It was so beautiful and incredibly heavy. (Oh yes, I went over and tried to lift it.)
There were these huge glass jugs.
Look at the beautiful woven wicker sided couches there. Swoon. But really, wicker is SO delicate.
Whether or not you liked what was for sale, the whole scene was just charming. This is how Jane Austin does a flea market in 2015. Here is a detail of one booth
LOOK AT THAT BUNTING!!!!!! It is embroidered! The flags are actually stitched and layered, not printed!! And the crowns!!!! In the back drop you have the actual canvas awning, instead of our pop-up style nylon or plastic coated. And then, there is the largest character in every story, The English Sky.
I will leave you to wonder through that whole thing on my Flickr page. Enjoy.

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© 2005 – 2015 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish


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