Finish It or Frog It: Dawn Cardigan

Ok, let’s dive into my stash of UFO’s. First up is the Dawn Cardigan which I started in October of 2012. It is all done except for the neckband and has been living in a knitting bag in a drawer. Here is the original sweater.
And here is what mine looks like.

Finish It or Frog It: Dawn Cardigan
I did one modification to the pattern and made it long sleeved instead of 3/4. I just knew I would get more use out of long sleeves. It is not awful, but I don’t love it. I think the sleeves look a little big. Also the cabled bottom really pulls away from the center, perhaps blocking would help this. You can see in the original the bottom isn’t supposed to close, but on me is that just going to look like it is too small?

Finish It or Frog It: Dawn Cardigan
I stopped working on this because I was struggling with picking up the stitches for the collar. Some of the stitches are provisional cast-on while others are bound off. It just looks awful when I pick them up.

I’m not sure there is anything I can do to make me love this sweater. I do like the idea of it still. I think perhaps it needs to be done in a different, lighter yarn. Something with more drape. What do you all think? Frog it? Finish it?

If you are joining us in Finish It or Frog It 2015, feel free to put your photos in our Flickr group. Tell us your plans or ask for advice.


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© 2005 – 2015 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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