Get Organized

Here we are in the New Year! We came in with big plans. We were so inspired by our holidays and what we saw both live and in the computer world.
And yet, on the home front, we are ALL recovering from the ridiculous cold that is going around and busy trying to set the house to rights. We had the Holidays combined with THE birthday, so the level of upheaval in our house is amplified. My husband was taking down the tree and this time, in an attempt to up our game, we decided to get some real professional ornament storage. We have a silver tinsel vintage tree and wonderful vintage and reproduction glass balls for it. It is important to us to take care of the ornaments and we are at a point where their original packaging is just falling apart.
Silver Vintage Tree
To this end, I went out to the local storage store. I had a real errand in mind. Oh, how I love that store! Swoon.
Look at this rainbow of wrapping supplies. I think, “If I just pick out a little selection of coordinated paper and ribbon I could be set for the year.” But then I think ,”Maybe I should switch to all bags and tissue” ?
These are little sunglasses paper clips! LOVE!
Here are magnets, desk supplies, clippers… maybe I could get a whole line of these and clear the top of my desk. ? That would work, right?
Maybe it would be better to stick with something a little bit less colorful. What about this silver vertical paper storage? Patterns? Magazines? Inspiration?
Rainbows of ways to hide the desk clutter.

I was having a wonderful trip around the isles. All the wonderful colors and textures and playful accessories. And, as I often do, I texted Kat and we started “talking”. I quickly hit the crux of the issue, I love this store! It makes me want to lay down hard cold cash, because then I will be organized. Right? That’s how it works!?”
“Wha ha ha ha ha” was her reply.
“This whole store is predicated on this HUGE powerful fallacy. (If you buy it, you will be organized)”
And Kathy says, “Yup. You don’t have to sort anything or throw anything away, just stow it in a pretty container.”
I agreed with her violently.
Then she wrote, ” And then you can rent a self storage unit”
With that, my friend had me face my own buy-in to this ridiculous cycle. I KNOW its ridiculous. I KNOW its just a trap. And yet, there I was! I literally laughed out loud in the isle! I ran down the stairs and picked up the tubs that store ornaments and left. I am proud to say I did not buy one other thing! Not even the super cute sunglasses paper clips. The ornaments are put away and the tree is down. Now, it’s time to actually sort through more stuff and allow it to find new homes.

Here is my New Year’s promise. There will be organizing and sorting done. There will be REAL progress made. And anytime I come across a “Eureka” moment in terms of yarn, or paper, in cataloging inspiration, I will share it with you here.

Happy New Year to each of you. I hope you are all happy and healthy in your homes!

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© 2005 – 2015 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish

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