Iron Craft ’15 Challenge #1 – 4th Anniversary

This challenge marks the 4th Anniversary of Iron Craft (Yup, four years of crafty challenges!). So as in past years, this challenge is based on the gifts, both traditional and modern, for a four year anniversary. The traditional gift is fruit or flowers and the modern gift is appliances. So, create a project based on one or more of those themes, fruit, flowers and appliances (that last one is tricky).

Here are a few ideas for you from our archives and I have pinned more to our Pinterest board.
Rosebud Fariy Lights
Rosebud Fairy Lights
Mac guy socks
Tech Guy Socks
Strawberry Basket Houses
Iron Craft Challenge #5 - Flower Pot Pincushion
Flower Pot Pincushion

Reveal day is Tuesday, January 20th. Please only share in progress photos before that date. Tag photos with IC1501 and IronCraft.

Just a few reminders on Iron Craft…

  • Your project must be made in the two week challenge period.
  • Please save your finished project photos for reveal day.
  • Please allow sharing on your Iron Craft photos on Flickr, so I can easily add them to the round up.
  • If you blog about your project include a link in the description. It is best to link to the specific post not just the front page of your blog.
  • It is not required to comment on other members projects, but it certainly makes the group more of a community.
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© 2005 – 2015 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
10 years ago by in Challenges , Iron Craft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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