2015: The Year of Finish or Frog It

Do you have any projects hiding in the back of your closet? Or the back of a cupboard? What about under the bed? See, if we are being honest, I have to say yes to all of the above. I’m just laying it all out here. There are little bags of “good intentions” all over the place. Here is the thing, it’s stuff that I really love, or at least, I used to really love. Throughout this year, Kat and I are going to have a look in our cupboards for unfinished projects. We are going to pull them out and make the hard core decision about what to do with them. Either “Finish or Frog”. (“frog” is a knitting term. The opposite of knitting is ripping your stitches out. “Rip it, rip it” is the sound a frog makes. So “frogging” is the opposite of productive knitting.” )
We would like to invite you to join in! Look into your cupboards and figure out where you stand. I, for one, am going to get REAL this year. I’m going to do it right here in front of you. I have taken some horrifying and humbling “before” shots. (Some are so painful that they would hurt your eyes and your heart, so I will only show them when there is an “after” shot to flash up as well.)

This does not have to be knitting only. That is just where our “frog” term came from. What about paper? Unfinished quilts? Do you have a fabric stash? Beads?

Come on! Who is with me?

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