Head-to-Head Challenge: Felt Tree

I saw a beautiful felt tree in a discount shop and I loved it. I whipped out my phone and took a picture of it and sent it off to Kathy. “For $14.99, do I buy it? I love it. But it would be fun to make too.” And so was born the “head-to-head” Challenge. It is not so much of a challenge as a matter of interpretation. Kathy revealed her beautiful silver-tipped felt tree here. It’s crisp and classic. Here is my creamy wool tree

Project Wool Felt Tree

    • 100% wool felt
    • sharp scissors
    • foam cone
    • scrap paper
    • craft scissors
    • pins (optional, but helpful)
    • tape
    • hot glue

I drew some branch shapes and started by cutting them and taping them to my foam cone.
Paper model
I had 6 “big” branches on the bottom round, then loads of “medium” and 8 “small” around the top. I taped the whole tree to see if I had enough cut out for the volume and coverage I wanted.
I cut out each of the branches based on the paper templates. Then I pinned them to the cone. The felt branches were thicker than their paper cousins, so they lifted each other a little bit more than I anticipated. I ended up cutting a few more than I made templates for. But it wasn’t a big deal.
For the top I attached a little cone swirl of felt that I glued together and then glued on.
At the end, when the tree was on the mantel it was at eye level, and around the bottom, you could see the cone between the branches. So I made a little “skirt” to cover the bottom.

Here it is by day
And by night

I couldn’t be happier. I think it is lux. I was going to add all kinds of wool felt balls to it, but in the end I “edited” my idea and went with “less it more”.

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© 2005 – 2014 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish


10 years ago by in Challenges , Christmas , Craft Projects , Holiday , Projects | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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