Strawberry Bag

My sewing girl made this strawberry bag for her Mom for Christmas! She did such a good job, it was extraordinary! (We couldn’t show you until now because we didn’t want to ruin the surprise.)
(We need to pause here and LOOK AT THAT FACE! She is so pleased with her finished project she might explode. Her teacher is SUPER proud of her!)

We started by printing out the Strawberry Bag Pattern from IKat. I will say we did not follow the pattern to the letter, but we used it for inspiration.

The general idea is that the stuff sac for the bag is built into the corner of the bag.
We used rip stop nylon and had good luck with it. There is a little grid built into the fabric so it made straight-line cutting much easier. (We did not use a cotton fabric as the website shows.) When it came time to make the seeds on the strawberry part, she added them with a sharpie marker. That worked really well. We practiced on a scrap first to see how much it would bleed and how far apart we wanted the seeds.
We added a neat tension pull to hold the strings tight and our straps are doubled over. This was a fun project and it does not take a whole lot of fabric. It was perfect for a sewer with a little bit of experience.
I hope your holidays were filled with love and handmade gifts as well.

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© 2005 – 2015 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish

10 years ago by in Crafting with Kids , Crafts , Needlecraft , Sewing | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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